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OR with magnets – When preservation is better than replacement.

By utilizing magnetic forces, teeth can be moved safely and in a controlled manner. An innovative approach that minimizes surgery and preserves more natural teeth.

Introduction to magnetic therapy

Help your patients keep their teeth through a simple and gentle treatment. Magnetic therapy is a minimally invasive method that allows you to save teeth such as those with collar fractures that would otherwise require extraction. Without the need for major surgery or anesthesia, you offer your patients a more comfortable experience and an effective solution that can be easily implemented in your own practice.

Watch the introduction video

Benefits of magnetic therapy
  • No pain or anesthesia: With this method, your patients don’t need anesthesia or surgery, creating a more comfortable experience.
  • Preserve Natural Teeth: You can help your patients preserve their natural teeth, which many prefer over bridges or implants.
  • Easily accessible: Apart from magnets and caps, which can be easily purchased, the method requires no additional investment in equipment – everything else is typically already present in your clinic.
  • The opportunity to Brand Yourself: By offering this unique, minimally invasive treatment, you can stand out and strengthen your clinical brand.
How to get started

Join my courses: My courses are tailored to give you the necessary knowledge and practical skills to start using magnetic therapy in your clinic. Whether you prefer online or hands-on training, I have an offer to suit you.
Buy the magnets: The specially designed magnets and caps can be ordered directly from my website so you can quickly start offering this innovative treatment option to your patients.

Buy magnets

What is magnetic therapy?
By using small, specially designed magnets, you can extrude teeth with collar fractures and avoid pulling teeth out. It’s a gentle method that can be integrated into any clinic with the materials and tools you already have. Magnetic therapy is an attractive alternative to traditional solutions such as bridges and implants and allows you to offer your patients a unique and less invasive treatment option.
Proven results

With documentation from numerous cases and up to 9 years of follow-up, the method has given my patients stable and positive results. Patients who have received the treatment express great satisfaction with the less invasive approach, and you can feel confident offering a method that is both well documented and effective. There are also numerous studies documenting the method on e.g. Pub-Med.

Contact me for more information
Are you ready to expand your treatment options and help your patients keep their teeth? Contact me for more information about my courses or buy the magnets online so you are ready to make a difference today.
You are also more than welcome to just contact me for an informal chat.


Introduction to magnetic therapy

Help your patients keep their teeth through a simple and gentle treatment. Magnetic therapy is a minimally invasive method that allows you to save teeth such as those with collar fractures that would otherwise require extraction. Without the need for major surgery or anesthesia, you offer your patients a more comfortable experience and an effective solution that can be easily implemented in your own practice.

Watch the introduction video

What is magnetic therapy?
By using small, specially designed magnets, you can extrude teeth with collar fractures and avoid pulling teeth out. It’s a gentle method that can be integrated into any clinic with the materials and tools you already have. Magnetic therapy is an attractive alternative to traditional solutions such as bridges and implants and allows you to offer your patients a unique and less invasive treatment option.
Benefits of magnetic therapy
  • No pain or anesthesia: With this method, your patients don’t need anesthesia or surgery, creating a more comfortable experience.
  • Preserve Natural Teeth: You can help your patients preserve their natural teeth, which many prefer over bridges or implants.
  • Easily accessible: Apart from magnets and caps, which can be easily purchased, the method requires no additional investment in equipment – everything else is typically already present in your clinic.
  • The opportunity to Brand Yourself: By offering this unique, minimally invasive treatment, you can stand out and strengthen your clinical brand.
Proven results

With documentation from numerous cases and up to 9 years of follow-up, the method has given my patients stable and positive results. Patients who have received the treatment express great satisfaction with the less invasive approach, and you can feel confident offering a method that is both well documented and effective. There are also several studies documenting the method on e.g. Pub-Med.

How to get started
Join my courses: My courses are tailored to give you the necessary knowledge and practical skills to start using magnetic therapy in your clinic. Whether you prefer online or hands-on training, I have an offer to suit you.
Buy the magnets: The specially designed magnets and caps can be ordered directly from my website so you can quickly start offering this innovative treatment option to your patients.

Buy magnets

Contact me for more information
Are you ready to expand your treatment options and help your patients keep their teeth? Contact me for more information about my courses or buy the magnets online so you are ready to make a difference today.
You are also more than welcome to just contact me for an informal chat.


Contact us

Udbyhøjvej 394
8930 Randers NØ
Mobile:+45 20 11 79 13

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